








Eight natural ways to whiten your teeth

Many people dream of a dazzling smile, but unfortunately, not all having beautiful white teeth. Here you can find eight natural ways to whiten your teeth

1 Using baking soda
Baking soda is a natural bleaching agent because of its oxidizing properties, it is found in many toothpastes. Try to mix a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with water and apply the resulting slurry on the toothbrush and brush your teeth. Soda will not hurt your teeth and help them gradually whiten.

2 Eat strawberries
These sweet berries contain a lot of malic acids, which is a natural bleach. So, eating a strawberry for health!

3 Warm salt water
Salt helps to whiten teeth naturally and take care of the gums because it has an antibacterial effect. Add a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm boiled water and use the solution as a mouthwash.

4 Eat white foods
This is obvious, because the whiter the food you eat, the whiter your teeth will be. To keep your teeth pearly white, eat chicken, rice, and fish. Avoid using foods like beets, blueberries, carrots and Chinese / Indian food, which often add turmeric or food dyes.

5 Eat apples
Apples are one of the best natural tooth whiteners. They help clean the surface of the enamel from plaque and, like strawberries, apples, of course, contain malic acid, which increases the efficiency of the bleaching process.

6 Drink water or milk
The calcium in milk helps to strengthen tooth enamel and makes the teeth and jaw bones stronger. A water - a great natural cleaner, it will help wash away the bacterial plaque.

7 Use coconut oil as a rinse
To rinse it will be enough one tablespoon of coconut oil. Rinse your mouth for 15 minutes - this is the ideal duration of the procedure. Oil removes bacteria and helps prevent plaque.

8 Charcoal
As strange as it may sound, but charcoal is another effective means of cleaning and whitening teeth. This 100% natural cleaner is prepared from coconut shell. It strengthens the gums, removes toxins from the mouth absorbs the bacteria - and besides, it's available means.
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