








More : Places Your Girlfriend Wants You To Kiss

2 Nape Of The Neck:

You know she want you to start kissing at her back. Lift her hair and start kissing gently in hairline area right down to the collar bone.

3 Forehead Kisses.

You may not find a better place than this to build a confidence in her. It might not be a thing to do in bedroom, but this surely make her to fall for you. She will appreciate this kiss more if you pull her close and kiss her while your hands around her neck.

4 Fingers
With lot of nerve ending here, finger tips are very sensitive to anything from pecks to suck. When you kiss and suck her finger, she gets an idea of your intention. She actually loves this. So, give her an idea of how you want to do it.

5 Ears.
Her lips are very sensitive due to some extra sensitive nerve ending in that area. Besides licking and s*cking, she is also very sensitive to auditory stimulation in that area. So, while licking her ear be sure to whisper something in her ears.
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